Sean Coons is an award-winning author and musician living in Idaho’s Treasure Valley with his wife and son.
Sean is the author of the following books:
- You Are a Bird: 1st Place Winner of the Christian Indie Awards and Winner of the Literary Titan Gold Book Award.
- Firefly: Let There Be Light: Comedic middle grade adventure about a wily firefly with a hankerin’ for mischief. Firefly is also a winner of the Literary Titan Gold Book Award.
- Body: or, How Hope Confronts Her Shadow and Calls the Flutter Girl to Flight: Inspirational fiction comedy exploring body image and intuitive eating. Body was selected as “Christian-Fiction Runner-Up Winner” by the PenCraft Awards.
- Singularity: or, How the LOGOS Resolves the Problems of Racism, Gender Obsession, Climate Change, Decadence, & Every Other Calamity You Encounter: Called “an antidote to wokeness,” Singularity dispels modern illusions with ancient truths in this practical yet metaphysically evocative exploration of the calamities that bombard modern man.
- No Hell Below Us: A Political Tour de Farce: A uproarious lampoon of all things woke inspired by the humor and insights of The Babylon Bee, Andrew Klavan, Jordan Peterson, JP Sears, and Steven Crowder.
Sean has written for The Atlantic, The Christian Post, Salon, and Compared to Who?, an organization helping people who struggle with body image and comparison issues.
Felicity Falling, a screenplay written by Sean and BTS Agnomen, was selected as a Finalist in the Script Pipeline Contest. Sean’s screenplay Frederick Douglass: An American Slave was selected as a Quarter Finalist in the International Screenwriter’s Association Emerging Screenwriter’s Genre Competition. And his screenplay Rounder Wheel was selected as a Quarter Finalist in the International Screenwriter’s Association Emerging Screenwriter’s Suspense Screenplay Competition.
Sean has also toured the US and abroad as an entertainer, and he is the founder/owner of Shimmer Tree Books.