“Sympathy” by Paul Laurence Dunbar – Inspiration for You Are a Bird
I came across the poem “Sympathy” by Paul Laurence Dunbar when I was an English teacher at Junipero Serra High School about twelve years ago. A line from the poem, “I know why the caged bird sings,” was used by Maya Angelou as the title of her 1969 autobiography, which we were reading at the time. My students and I were deeply touched by the elegant words Dunbar chose to express the agony of a being in captivity as well as by his fascinating, yet tragically short, life. (It was a personal bonus that Dunbar was from the same hometown as my grandparents — Dayton, Ohio.)
The ideas and imagery of this powerful work have continued to impact me through the years.
The English teacher in my first book, Body, recites “Sympathy” to his class, and I include lines from the poem in a currently unproduced screenplay. Eventually, it occurred to me that Dunbar’s caged bird would make a great novella protagonist, and so I wrote You Are a Bird (under the pen name Breezy Van Lit) toward that end.
I hope you consider reading You Are a Bird. But first, please enjoy…
“Sympathy” by Paul Laurence Dunbar
I know why the caged bird sings!
1899, Public domain
Learn more about Paul Laurence Dunbar on Poets.org.
Purchase You Are a Bird on Amazon or read for free on Kindle Unlimited.
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- BOOK TITLE: You Are a Bird
- AUTHOR: Breezy Van Lit
- PUBLISHER: Shimmer Tree Books
- SIMILAR TO: The Great Divorce (C.S. Lewis), Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Richard Bach), Bright Lights, Big City (Jay McInerney), Animal Farm (George Orwell)
- GENRE: Inspirational Fiction
- SUBGENRES: Christian Fiction, metaphysical fiction, visionary fiction, fiction featuring animals
- READER AGE: Teen and up
- FORMATS: eBook, Paperback, Hardcover
- ISSUES EXPLORED: Freedom, courage, redemption, faith, journey of the hero, spiritual journey, mental health, self-harm, confusion
- PUBLICATION DATE: July 4, 2022