Studio Log: “You Give Much More Than You Take” by The Möbius Trip

One of my great joys is writing and recording music with the band, The Möbius Trip. You can check out our recordings here.
I recorded a piece of music years ago, but I never liked the lyrics or vocal melody. It was called “Why?” If you heard this original recording, you’d think “Why?” was short for “Why did you record this?”
Though the song was missing something in the vocal melody department, I thought the underlying music had potential. I took it to my fellow Möbius Tripper, Aaron, and asked if he could breathe fresh life into it. He took the raw instrumental tracks and began constructing a completely new vocal melody. This new melody was what the instrumental music had been waiting for all these years.
Next steps: Split up the lyrics, track the vox, and bam! Here you go . . . I hope you enjoy “You Give Much More Than You Take.”
You Give Much More Than You Take
Gazing out at the world through your window
Wondering what you’re wondering about
I can show you what I have learned
While you show me what I forgot
I gave you life and now you show me living
You never cease from giving
You bring me joy and laughter, tears and heartache
But you give much more than you take
Staring at stars on your ceiling
Music bending into our ears
You say “Daddy, why are we here?”
We’re here to love
Got to give it all – our love
© 2018 Words & Music by Sean Coons and Aaron Baker
Sean Coons is a writer, musician, and educator in Redondo Beach, California. His novel, Body, is scheduled for release November 21, 2019 and is available for pre-order today.