How to Create . . .

Surround yourself with beautiful souls.
If you can’t find any, I can direct you to some — I find myself surrounded by them daily.
I serve some, and some serve me.
Some listen to my lectures, though I would gladly swap podium for seat (if only for a brief spell)… and I often do.
Some inspire me to work hard to earn the relationship of collaborator.
Some pass me by anonymous, and I them… tragedy.
One lives under my roof…another in a nearby womb…
Whether you find yourself bombarded by souls such as these, or in complete dearth, I have a prescription for you, friend: start your day off on your knees, eyes closed, humility engaged, hope set upon…
Sean Coons is a writer, musician, and educator in Redondo Beach, California. His novel, Body, is scheduled for release November 21, 2019 and is available for pre-order today.